Saturday, May 8, 2010

EnA- SomeART

EnA- Mongolian Death Worm~~~~

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ena- 1898

This was a very interesting year.

(a random year)

EnA- Why We Named it "Ice Cold"

It's a secret but here are some clues...





PS: Like I said we can't tell you why we named it, but you can guess.

EnA- How to Get Straight A's in School

Do Good In School!!!!

EnA- What to do when your bored in class

1)write a song about ur teacher and give it to her
2)Run up to the window and say"o sorry i thought i saw a batman signal"
3)Burst out laughing and say oh now i get it!


How to Make 3D Glasses!!!
Step 1: Get two sticks or twigs from a tree (be sure there aren't any bugs or insects on the stick; if so, wash with soap and warm water)
Step 2: Get red and blue constuction paper and draw three medium-sized D's
Step 3: Cut the edges off so to forms three D's and three D's ONLY!!!
Step 4: Glue or tape all of the items together so it looks like the example to your left.
Step 5: Were your new 3D glasses to a party or a family fun-night dinner!!!

EnA-Flossing toes

1) Get a large rope
2)use toe separater or cotton to separate your toes
3) Gently Go back and forth making sure all material is out
4) Scrub out any exes dirt with a sponge


Comments from Readers:

this website is so bomb!!!